We recommend that you DO NOT send important and irreplaceable original documents to TextBehind. You should only include a copy of those documents. TextBedhind will not be responsible if your original important documents are lost, damaged, or shredded according to our various processes, or by the USPS during the transition.
However, if you have mistakenly sent original important documents to TextBehind, you can submit a request for us to return them to you, if possible. Please note that after TextBehind processing, the original physical mail is shredded and cannot be recovered after 30 days of receipt. If you've sent any mail with important original documents or other articles with sentimental value, such as passports, IDs, birth certificates, original drawings, and artwork, please notify us as soon as possible by going to the CONTACT US page, and requesting the original letter to be returned to you by mail. Shipping and service fees will apply.
The same request can also be made to request your entire communication history, provided that TextBehind was required to archive data in compliance with our legal agreement with the applicable correctional facility where your loved one was located. The data can be sent to you electronically as well as by postal mail. Shipping and service fees will apply.
A service fee of $1.00 per letter plus $2.50 shipping and handling will apply to cover the cost of compiling and mailing the content(s) to the address of your choice within the United States. Mail will be sent using Standard USPS ground shipping.
Please note that TextBehind will not be responsible for undelivered or lost mail by USPS after we have sent it. If you'd like us to ship your mail using 2-day certified USPS mail with a tracking number, the cost of shipping service will be $10.00. For the international shipping rate, please email us your mailing address for a quote. This cost is subject to change depending on the volume of mail contents, and courier rates since USPS (for example) weighs all mail before applying labels and assessing costs.