TextBehind Family & Friends Portal: https://family.textbehind.com
This website and the companion mobile app for Apple and Android Smartphones enable family and friends to communicate conveniently, consistently, and affordably with incarcerated loved ones. We consistently make internal and external efforts to offer more value and options to our valued customers so they can enjoy using our services. We acknowledge that having a loved one incarcerated is a challenge not everyone can comprehend. Please know that we are here to give you genuine respect and provide all necessary assistance. TextBehind is a compassion-driven service, and "Connecting Relationships Today for a Better Tomorrow" is our mission. Our entire team focuses on this objective daily when processing your communication orders. Thank you for choosing TextBehind to communicate with your loved ones. We appreciate you.
TextBehind DOCS Portal for Legal Mail: https://docs.textbehind.com
This portal enables attorneys, public officials, and correctional institutions to send, receive, and process contraband-free legal mail with sender/attorney verification. Organizations, educators, and publishers can also send educational and inspirational content to correctional institutions.
TextBehind Corporate Website: https://corporate.textbehind.com
Please visit this website to learn more about TextBehind services.